Nearly 1,700 New Hampshire REALTORS from the across the state have already sent their respective state representatives a clear, unified message in opposition to House Bill 507.
The bill would allow the unlicensed practice of over 40 professions, including real estate. If you have not participated, then please take less than one minute to respond to NHAR’s Call For Action, found here: Oppose House Bill 507 to maintain licensing requirements.
The bill allows any unlicensed person engaged in any profession regulated by the Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) to do so as long as they do not advertise or hold themselves out as licensed. HB 507 will be voted on by the full House of Representatives later this week.
NHAR is concerned because the House Executive Departments Committee, which heard testimony and reviewed the language, deadlocked 10-10 on making a recommendation to the full House membership, meaning half the committee thought it was a good idea.
CFA Round 2: expanded housing
Last week, the Senate approved two bills which will appropriate millions of dollars toward the development of affordable housing. Hundreds of Realtors participated in an NHAR Call for Action, asking the Senate to support Senate Bill 231, Senate Bill 145, and Senate Bill 202.
You can read more about these bills by clicking here.
SB 231 and SB 202 will likely be added to the Senate’s version of the state budget (House Bill 2), while SB 145 is headed to Senate Finance Committee for another hearing.
Accessory Dwelling Unit bill gets final vote this week
House Bill 423 would give property owners the right to add up to two accessory dwelling units to their property, including one which could be detached from the primary residence. Since 2017, New Hampshire property owners have had the right to create one attached accessory dwelling unit (RSA 674:72) in a single-family dwelling.
Like other bills heard in the House of Representatives relative to creating more housing supply, opponents simply argued that the bill would override local control. Of course, that argument ignores the obvious fact that the existing ADU statute, which has been in place for six years, already overrides a municipality's ability to diminish the private property rights of residential owners. NHAR testified in favor of HB 423.
The accessory dwelling units would have to comply with all other town ordinances for a single-family dwelling, including setbacks, and adequate water and sewage. The House Municipal and County Committee voted 14-6 to recommend to the full House that the bill should not pass. The full House will vote later this week on the bill.
NHAR’s legislative chart can be found here.
For more information, contact New Hampshire Realtors CEO Bob Quinn: