2025 housing-related legislation
SENATE BILL 153-FN: AN ACT relative to the issuance of permits for the alteration of driveways exiting onto public ways.
SENATE BILL 162-FN: AN ACT relative to restrictions on acquisition of ownership, controlling, and occupancy interests in real property by certain foreign principals on or around certain military installations, and criminal penalties and civil forfeiture procedures for illegal acquisition.
SENATE BILL 163: AN ACT prohibiting local moratoria and limitations on building permits.
SENATE BILL 164-FN: AN ACT relative to homeowners and prohibiting certain types of service agreements.
SENATE BILL 166: AN ACT relative to notice required prior to sale of a manufactured housing unit located in a resident-owned community.
SENATE BILL 170: AN ACT relative to residential property subject to housing covenants under the low income housing tax credit program.
SENATE BILL 173: AN ACT relative to residential property subject to housing covenants under the low income housing tax credit program.
SENATE BILL 174: AN ACT prohibiting planning boards from considering the number of bedrooms a given unit or development has during the hearing and approval process.
SENATE BILL 175: AN ACT relative to the use of covenants by municipalities.
SENATE BILL 185-FN: AN ACT relative to office of professional licensure and certification investigations.
SENATE BILL 188-FN: AN ACT allowing independent permitting and inspections, and allowing local governments to authorize licensed engineers and architects to perform building code inspections.
SENATE BILL 217: AN ACT relative to public notice of historic tax rates and tax impacts of proposed projects.
SENATE BILL 220-FN: AN ACT relative to public hearings and deliberation for the denial of tax exemptions.
SENATE BILL 224: AN ACT relative to increasing the maximum amount of the optional veterans' tax credit.
SENATE BILL 225-FN-LOCAL: AN ACT requiring public notice before re-assessment of property values for local tax purposes.
SENATE BILL 231: AN ACT relative to road frontage requirements and setbacks for wetlands.
SENATE BILL 240-FN-A: AN ACT making an appropriation to the department of environmental services for eligible water projects.
HOUSE BILL 782-FN: AN ACT expanding property tax exemptions for certain elderly and disabled persons; raising public awareness regarding tax credits and exemptions; and requiring an annual report regarding the efficacy of the low and moderate income homeowners property tax relief program.
HOUSE BILL 766: AN ACT enabling municipalities to adopt an exemption from the local education property tax for certain elderly residents.
SENATE BILL 279-FN: AN ACT establishing the housing champion business loan program and making appropriations to the department of business and economic affairs and the business finance authority.
SENATE BILL 281: AN ACT prohibiting municipalities from denying building or occupancy permits for property adjacent to class VI roads under certain circumstances.
SENATE BILL 282: AN ACT relative to stairway requirements in certain residential buildings.
SENATE BILL 283: AN ACT relative to the calculation of floor-area-ratios under local building ordinances.
SENATE BILL 284: AN ACT relative to the required maximum number of residential parking spaces.
SENATE BILL 291: AN ACT relative to the religious use of land property tax exemption.