Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Be sure to protect it with the Professional Standards Workshop, NHAR's annual Code of Ethics study, which is approved for the NAR-required biennial ethics training. The course is a highly interactive session being taught by one of NAR's most highly acclaimed professional standards trainers, Diane Disbrow (pictured at right).
The 2020 event is scheduled for March 3 or 4 (choose one) at the DoubleTree Hotel Manchester Downtown, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (registration begins at 8:30).
The event will also include an optional breakout sessions (2 to 3 p.m.) around grievance issues and the new citation panel format and procedures. It is designed to meet the requirements of the NH Grievance and Professional Standards committees and Board of Directors, and it will incorporate real-life ethics, arbitration and citation panel situations into a fun and interactive session.
Additionally, the program is pending approval for four credit hours in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. Attendees must be in their seats by 9 a.m. to receive credit.
Want some more great news? As always, lunch is included in your registration fee!