Roughly 100 Realtors signed on to participate in the New Hampshire Realtors Public Policy Retreat, our annual briefing on real estate-related public policy issues, held Dec. 3 via Zoom.
For those who missed it, the video recording can be found here.
Each of the studies presented, and the corresponding PowerPoints, are linked below.
Residential Land Use Regulation In New Hampshire: Causes and Consequences
St. Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society Director, Dr. Jason Sorens, and Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy President Andrew Cline discussed Dr. Sorens' "Causes and Consequences" study, which shows how and where local regulations have changed the supply and price of housing in New Hampshire. | Report | PowerPoint
How Much Land is Available for New Housing in New Hampshire?
A tension has emerged in recent years between conserving rural land and providing affordable housing. Richard England, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Natural Resources at the Paul College of Business and Economics at UNH, discusses his study on behalf of NHAR looking at how much New Hampshire land has been conserved and what are the consequences for the state's housing moving forward. | Report | PowerPoint