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Open Houses, Office Meetings May Resume June 16

Open Houses, Office Meetings May Resume June 16

With the Governor's announcement yesterday that Exhibit A to Emergency Order 49 (formerly Exhibit A to Emergency Order 17) will expire Monday at 11:59 p.m., the conditions set forth on the practice of real estate will expire as well.

This means that as of Tuesday, June 16, Realtors will be permitted to conduct open houses and meet with clients in real estate offices, two activities that were expressly prohibited under the Order.

We expect the Governor's office to provide further guidance next week, and we will share any new information as it becomes available.

Surveys chart

"Amidst the sea of change to which the New Hampshire Association of REALTORS has played witness in its 85 years, one thing that has remained constant is the Realtor 'R' and the value we bring to every real estate transaction in which we take part. We are part of a unique community where our familial cooperation transcends our business competition. These are not mere platitudes, but our living ideals, and they are, in fact, the foundation on which we conduct ourselves in our day-to-day affairs."

Susan Cole, 2025 President, New Hampshire REALTORS